Embracing Change: The Online Series

Equip your people with the tools they need to embrace change. Right now. Online. Your people are living in times of unprecedented uncertainty and heightened anxiety. We all are. They are being asked to cope with an extraordinary amount of change due to this coronavirus pandemic. They need help. Let’s give it to them. Online. [...]

Embracing Change: The Online Series2020-03-30T14:39:50+00:00

Leading in a post-Brexit VUCA world

After three years of political sclerosis and six straight months of continuous and unedifying electioneering, one significant piece of clarity finally emerged from last week’s UK General Election – Britain is definitely leaving the European Union. Technically, in less than seven weeks’ time. The markets have greeted this news with rare, dual-pronged optimism – with [...]

Leading in a post-Brexit VUCA world2019-12-16T11:05:13+00:00

A must for every HRD and CEO – OrgVue people planning software bowled me over!

You know when you see something so utterly brilliant, your immediate thought is, “How come this hasn’t been done before?!” A couple of weeks ago, I was engaged by a switched-on PR firm with the wonderful name of ‘Don’t Cry Wolf’ to deliver a keynote at a customer breakfast round-table session. The host company was [...]

A must for every HRD and CEO – OrgVue people planning software bowled me over!2019-12-10T15:00:48+00:00

Future-proof your culture

The need for culture change is not an admission that your culture is broken or that the way your business has been operating has been wrong. It is simply an acknowledgement that success in the future will require different ways of working. Certain elements of today's culture must change if you wish to be successful [...]

Future-proof your culture2019-11-01T16:21:39+00:00

21st Century Leadership: a team game not a solo pursuit

Three key themes emerge from the delegates on my Leading Change workshops (both at Henley Business School and with clients directly) when we discuss leadership: Leadership is leading change. Anything else is simply managing the status quo. What great leaders do and how they make you feel. Leadership is a team game not a solo [...]

21st Century Leadership: a team game not a solo pursuit2019-06-10T09:16:22+00:00

Successful leadership of change is possible

11 Oct 2018. 88% of change initiatives and business strategies fail to deliver what they set out to achieve. A similar proportion of mergers and acquisitions suffer the same fate.  How can you ensure that your next change or strategy is the one in eight that succeeds? Change is inevitable. Unfortunately, successful change isn’t. And the [...]

Successful leadership of change is possible2019-04-17T16:25:11+00:00

Mission Impossible? Leading change in successful organisations.

21 June 2018. “Our biggest barrier to change is our success,” declared a senior executive during one of my ‘Leading Change’ workshops. Successful organisations automatically erect formidable barriers to change – with very few exceptions. When you are the market leader; when revenues are growing year on year; when shareholders are ecstatic and when your [...]

Mission Impossible? Leading change in successful organisations.2019-04-17T16:25:49+00:00

The Change Catalyst: 2018 Business Book of the Year!

On Friday 16th March, The Change Catalyst was awarded 'The Business Book of the Year' at the Business Book Awards gala in London. It also won the 'Leading the Team' category. In announcing the overall winner of the evening, Alison Jones, Head Judge, commented: "The Change Catalyst is a book that frankly absolutely anyone in [...]

The Change Catalyst: 2018 Business Book of the Year!2018-04-23T07:41:23+00:00

Engage your people emotionally if you wish to succeed

  One of the most insightful papers on the power of employee engagement was published back in 2004 by the Corporate Leadership Council, part of the Corporate Executive Board (www.cebglobal.com). They called it ‘Driving Performance and Retention through Employee Engagement’. It was the result of a global study of the engagement level of 50,000 employees [...]

Engage your people emotionally if you wish to succeed2018-04-23T07:43:13+00:00

Brexit 2019: how on earth did we end up here?!

Change may indeed be inevitable, but change that is brought about without a comprehensive understanding of the implications is rarely a recipe for success. 4 July 2017. The UK electorate spoke last month for the third consecutive year and we now have a parliament that truly reflects the disparate nature of the national mood. This [...]

Brexit 2019: how on earth did we end up here?!2019-05-06T13:56:45+00:00

How to…lead change in your business

As published in the IOD's Director magazine - June 2017 Edition. The vast majority of change initiatives fail, as do a similar proportion of strategies, mergers and acquisitions suffer the same fate. How can you ensure that your next change initiative is the one in eight that succeeds? Strategic change expert Campbell Macpherson shares some [...]

How to…lead change in your business2018-04-23T07:45:46+00:00

Could the Cancer of Complacency undo the Tories for the second time in 12 months?!

    Complacency is a cancer that scuppers a large number of change initiatives and strategies (as discussed at length in the book). Could complacency bring the British Conservative Party undone for the second time in less than a year? 27 May 2017. When Prime Minister Theresa May called for a surprise election a few [...]

Could the Cancer of Complacency undo the Tories for the second time in 12 months?!2018-04-23T07:48:06+00:00

What does a good leadership team look like?

  Reflecting on the many dozens of Leadership teams that he has worked with over the years, Campbell assesses just what makes a great leadership team… One of my favourite clients recently launched a new division, forming a new Executive Team in the process. Knowing how important this new leadership team would be to the success [...]

What does a good leadership team look like?2018-04-23T07:57:34+00:00
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